The World is Not Ours

Posts Tagged ‘flying

This life is wonderful. Cherish every moment. Humanity is great.

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ImageOkay, so I typically post negative things, but life really isn’t negative. It’s just the typical perspective that we own things that is negative. What should be seen is the potential we have for achieving things that are unimaginable.

Go back a century and flight would have been impossible. Today we not only have people flying in wingsuits, but we have been to space and back. Humanity has plans to go even beyond, with plans to have a man on Mars within a couple of decades. That’s impressive. Without the power of flight, I perhaps would have never met a number of wonderful people who flew in from various countries ranging from Sweden to South Africa.
Innovations such as that are what make our lives incredible.

Also, I apologize for not writing yesterday, in case you were looking. I went to a city about three hours away and didn’t get back till past midnight. Almost fell asleep on the drive back, but I made it home safely.

Anyway, song of the night: 

Written by Kish

March 28, 2013 at 8:58 pm